Healthy Diets & Yoga Asanas for PCOD
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Healthy Diets & Yoga Asanas for PCOD |
Multiple tiny cysts in the ovaries are known as PCOD. It can trigger acne,
excessive hair growth, and infertility. Watch the video to learn some helpful
tips for naturally curing this condition.
PCOD – Polycystic Ovarian Disorder is very common and it is very common globally, 1 out of 10 women suffer from this. Sometimes it just goes undiagnosed and unaware. Usually when a female has a problem during menstrual cycle, and its irregularity, excessive hair growth on face, unnatural weight gain, hair loss, acne, a lady should definitely go for a test for PCOD. Here are few ways in which you can control and manage this issue.
First – Food
Ladies with PCOD are often found to have high insulin level. A diet high in
refined carbohydrates like maida preparation, starchy, sugary food can cause
insulin resistance. Therefore avoid white bread, biscuits, pastas, refined
products, artificially coloured, flavoured vitaminised products, readymade
packets open the packet and eat, open the bottle and drink, all such things see
that you don’t take.
Instead, eat whole grain like jowar, bajra, amaranth and even oatmeal as
all these things would regulate your insulin level and this would automatically
help with weight loss. Person must take milk but best way to take milk would be
in the form of curd, cheese, etc.
Try to follow this following discipline -
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First upon waking up |
First upon waking up, first in the morning, the moment you wake up person should be taking a glass of water with half lemon juice and honey.
Second, have fresh fruits between breakfast and lunch. These fruits could be apples, oranges, bananas, grapes and grapefruit or a glass of milk could be taken.
Third, in lunch a bowl of steamed vegetables seasoned with vegetable oil or butter and salt wholewheat chapati or jowar, ragi roti and a glass of buttermilk.
Fourth, in mid afternoon, a glass of fresh fruit or lemon juice or
vegetable juice.
Fifth– Dinner. A large bowl of salad made from fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots, beetroot, sprouted moong or chana.
Sixth - At bed time. At night before going to bed, take a glass of cows
will with haldi turmeric, pinch of black pepper and if possible aliv in milk
and take it. Special attention should be given to spinach or dark green leafy
Even take broccoli and cauliflower in routine. Berries like blueberries,
blackberries and cherries should be taken. Nuts like flax seeds, sunflower
seeds, pumpkin seeds should be considered. Excessive fat, spicy food, strong
tea, coffee, white sugar, white flour, refined cereals, greasy or fried food
should all be avoided.
Drink at least eight to ten glasses of water in a day. In today's modern
lifestyle, these readymade products which are so easily available, young girls,
they just easily consume it, which should be totally avoided. Eat healthy, good
food, which we have mentioned.
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Exercise One major cost of PCOD |
Second point - Exercise One major cost of PCOD is sedentary lifestyle, lack
of exercise in body. According to research 50% of overweight ladies have PCOS. This
is a great concern and that's why exercising is very, very important to improve
your reproductive health.
Some yogic technique that you should practice are Bhadrasana - supt and
sitting, Paryankasana, Vajrasana, Matsyasana, Ushtrasana, Pachimottanasana,
Ardh Matsyendrasana & Pavanmuktasana, Balsana, Viparatkarni, Abdominal
breathing that is diagrammatic breathing, Bhramari pranayama.
All these are highly beneficial and this should be done regularly. These
practices promote blood flow to the pelvic area and this helps in proper
production and brings balance to the hormones. Routine walk is also
Walk at least for 5 to 6 km everyday or at least go for 10,000 steps. Women
suffering from PCOD have lots of mood swings, which may not just make them
unhappy and sad, but all other people around them also are harassed or are
really disturbed because of that.
It is important that you develop a feeling of Vairagya, the feeling of let
go and live life systematically. Whenever you feel low, try and concentrate on
your breathing, take a slow and long breath and that would settle your mind.
Someone has always said that it is very difficult to understand a woman
because situations vary, the reactions vary. Sometimes the same situation helps
women and sometimes it irritates woman, so it's the woman, herself who has to
take charge of her mind, her emotions and see that she behaves in a balanced,
happy and cheerful way.
This problem, as it comes, it will go also, this shall pass, but you should do your job well. Try and remain healthy and happy.
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